WHO JOINS ROTARY? People from all walks of life. Within our Club the following are represented: Arts/goods distribution, Accountancy, Antiquarian books, Business consultancy, Chartered surveying, Community transport, Dental surgery, Education, Economic development, Electrical industry, Environmental consultancy, Farming, Fine arts, Financial advice, Fire service, Garden machinery sales, General medicine administration, Government service, Investment advice, Jewellery, Land property surveying, Legal profession, Retail - chain store, Retail - fine china, Minister of Religion, Musical Examination, Pensions & finance, Probation service, Quantity surveying, Security devices, Structural & civil engineering & Telecommunications. Honorary Members of our Club include: The Member of Parliament for Worcester; The Dean of Worcester & The Mayor of Worcester. CAN ANYONE JOIN? Application for membership of a Rotary Club is open to business and professional men and women living in or serving its area. We are particularly keen to recruit younger members. However, it should be noted that new membership is totally at the discretion of the Club. If you are interested in joining, or just attending one of our meetings to find out more - please speak to any member - or e-mail us. If you want to read more about Rotary in general, what it is and what it stands for, please click here. Why not contact us and come along to see what Rotary is all about? You will be made most welcome and under no obligation!